Panels and Keynotes
The panels and keynotes will deal with the following issues, among others:
- The representation of women in public space;
- Discursive constructions of women in leading positions and on the political stage;
- East-West politics regarding gender relations;
- Religious and political aspects of gender – intersectionality, body and citizenship/nationality;
- Right-wing populism and gender;
- Gender-equality in language;
- Viscourses and gender – ImagePolitics;
- Issues and political strategies of QueerLinguistics;
We have been able to invite some of the most prominent scholars and researchers who have dealt extensively with these topics: women who have proposed paradigm shifts in research.
4 Keynotes:
- Deborah Tannen (Georgetown,Washington): ‘Beyond Sexism: Why Journalists always Write about Women's Hair and Clothes - and probably always will’
- Luise F. Pusch (Germany): 'Feminist Linguistics as Entertainment'
- Helga Kotthoff (Freiburg, Germany): ‘Indexing Gender in Mothers’ Stories in the Context of Parent-Teacher-Conferences’
- Stephanie Schnurr (Warwick, UK): 'Challenging Hegemonic Femininities: The Discourse of Trailing Spouses in Hong Kong'
5 Panel(organiser)s:
- Birgit Sauer (‘Framing Religious Difference and Gender. Intersectionality, Citizenship and Body Politics’)
- Natalia Krzyżanowska (‘Gender, Language and Politics – East and West’)
- Martin Stegu (Discrimination through Language: Feminist and Queer Positions)
- Eva Flicker/ Elisabeth Holzleithner ( ‘Gender and Visual Politics in TV-Series’)
- Tuija Saresma (Right-wing Populism, Discourse, and Gender)